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Girlz Unplugged

The goals of the Girlz Unplugged program are to increase connection to oneself, others and community; increase confidence; develop critical thinking; understanding healthy relationships & building positive peer support.

Girlz Unplugged is one of the longest running girls-centred programs running in Canada. For over 20 years, YWCA Muskoka has developed and delivered this self-esteem and confidence skill building program for girls in grade 5-8 across the rural region of Muskoka. Self-identifying girls meet weekly with a YWCA facilitator to explore healthy relationships, self-care, body image, gender stereotypes, being media and internet savvy, through crafts, role play, discussions, laughs and fun. The goals of the program are to increase connection to oneself, others and community; develop confidence; develop critical thinking; understanding healthy relationships and building positive peer support.

We offer our 12-week school-based Girlz Unplugged programs in public elementary schools in Muskoka, as well as Afterschool Girlz Unplugged programs. The programs vary from 40 minutes to 60 minutes depending on the length of a school's recess/lunch break. Information and registration forms for this program are distributed in the schools through school offices in September and January.

Girlz Unplugged programs are funded each year through several sources and the fundraising efforts of YWCA staff and volunteers: these include participant fees, individual donations, special events, service clubs, and foundations. Our recent funders have included the Terence Haight grant, Elexicon Energy, Kawartha Credit Union, Christ Church Windermere, Rotary clubs, Lions Club Bracebridge and The Town of Huntsville.

Girlz Unplugged Summer is offered as a uniquely-girls week long day program each summer in the communities of Gravenhurst, Bracebridge and Huntsville. The summer programs are consistent with the quality and content of the school base programs, with a greater focus of recreational opportunities. We welcome all girls age 9 to 12. Registration for summer programs starts in April each year. Subsidies are available upon request.
Find out more about summer here!

For more info contact 
Amy Jones.

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